This is a heartfelt article about..... matters of the heart!
"It's difficult to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why every once in a while we need a really good pair to make the walk more fun!"- Sex and the City

Being an Italian at Christmas time means that the incredible amount of baking that happens in my house is through the roof; I'm talking insanity. We do everything from sugar cookies, to chocolate chips, and everything you can imagine.

You all know my addiction to truffles is a serious thing, and I try not to limit myself to what kinds of chocolate goodies I bake, so I figured...
I really couldn't resist making this my post for the week, because when I read it, I knew it was true in all aspects of it's title.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Memphis The Musical Celebrates Two Years!

Last night I had the incredible pleasure of attending the second anniversary performance of Memphis: The Musical. Not only have I now seen this show four times, which is the most I've ever indulged in any musical by far, but I've also spent all four performances enjoying it from the front row of the theater. It would take me more than one post to truly get down to the nitty gritty about how much this show means to me, but it's touched not just my heart but brought out emotions deep down that I didn't think could possibly exist. And not only have I been lucky enough to fall in love with this magnificent show, but I've shared the experience with people close to me. In January I went with my younger brother as a Christmas present from my parents, in April I took one of my closest friends Samson to see it, and it was his first Broadway show ever. In July I took my mother for her birthday, and my aunt joined us as well, and last night I took my friend Matt, who fell in love with Memphis at his first time seeing the show. 

I've made wonderful friendships through this show; I've had the pleasure of building a wonderful relationship with Bryan Fenkart, who is now leading the National Tour company as their leading man, Huey. I ran into James Monroe Igleheart on a whim in July after seeing Baby It's You and then going to hang out by the Memphis stage door for a little bit, Betsy Struxness who is uber talented in every sense of the word, and last night I was extremely lucky to have met Chad Kimball plus his wonderful family. I have to give massive thanks to Raellen for helping to make this happen because without her I don't think Matt and I would have made it to the anniversary show let alone had the chance to meet Chad. 

The fact that this is Chad's last week with the show before he takes some time off to recoup made seeing the anniversary performance that much more special for me. I'm blessed to have had the opportunity to meet and talk to such a talented and genuine individual. I truly feel that the show will not be the same without him, but that's a different subject for a different time. 

Chad was nice enough to indulge me with a photo, as well as an autograph to add to my Memphis collection. And as stated before, his family was hanging out with us at the stage door as well, and I was able to get a quick shot of Chad and his absolutely adorable nephew William, who saw his Uncle Chad in the show for the first time last night. He was all decked out in his Huey gear; checkered tie and Memphis fedora! Chad, if you happen to see this somewhere, thank you again. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you and getting to see the show on such a monumental night. Thank you for sharing your talent, emotions and passion and for allowing me to see a little bit of your soul each time I sat in the audience!

Chad and I outside after the theater.

Chad and his nephew William, decked out in his Huey gear!   

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