This is a heartfelt article about..... matters of the heart!
"It's difficult to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why every once in a while we need a really good pair to make the walk more fun!"- Sex and the City

Being an Italian at Christmas time means that the incredible amount of baking that happens in my house is through the roof; I'm talking insanity. We do everything from sugar cookies, to chocolate chips, and everything you can imagine.

You all know my addiction to truffles is a serious thing, and I try not to limit myself to what kinds of chocolate goodies I bake, so I figured...
I really couldn't resist making this my post for the week, because when I read it, I knew it was true in all aspects of it's title.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fenk Fans Blog!

Have you guys checked out the fan page for Bryan Fenkart yet? If you haven't I'll give you two good reasons: 
1. I admin/run/maintain the page(s) with my friend Heather (@HezPixie)
2. You can get all sorts of cool updates, videos, articles, and more regarding Bryan and the rest of the tour. 

That's all you need to know. So if you guys have a tumblr, and who doesn't these days, GO FOLLOW! You won't regret it. And while you're at it check out as well. Because we all love Chad just as much =]

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