Happy Friday bloggers!
I hope you're all looking forward to your weekend! I'm currently enjoying the comfort of my bedroom, in my pajamas, listening to an old mix of songs from The OC (which is an amazing mix that I'd be willing to share with anyone who asks) and indulging in a Vanilla Cupcake candle from Yankee Candle. Considering this is post-grad lift at the moment, I guess I'll take it and enjoy the quiet moments while I still can. I'm not sure how many of you reading this are finished with college, so for those of you that are, I know there are some people out there who are traveling down the same path that I am at the moment. For those of you who are still in school, I'll leave you with this; enjoy it!
I'm currently stuck in that post-grad, "trying to find the perfect job but right now any job that pays will do" rut, and I'm desperate to get out of it. I feel like at this point I've been on countless interviews, applied numerous times to companies online, and there's not even the simple satisfaction that someone, NOT something, has received your resume or application. I'm not a big fan of the 'we have successfully received your application and it is now stored in our database' email that you get after applying somewhere. Quite frankly, that doesn't do me any good, nor does it ease my worries of getting an interview with your company because now my resume and application are floating around in a database with a thousand others, and is very easily going to be lost in the shuffle. I can't express how frustrating that is to me.
In lieu of interviews, I went on one this afternoon in Manhattan (a hop, skip and a jump over the Hudson...or a $27 bus ride. Round trip.) and felt terribly deceived. I'll leave the name of the company out of here out of respect for them and their employees, but I definitely felt duped. I was completely under the impression that I was interviewing for a Public Relations position, not a party planner. Not for nothing, but I didn't spend four years in college to be party planner, and help book venues and fill clubs in Manhattan from midnight to 5am on weekends after working from 10am-7pm Monday-Friday. I didn't spend my money on tuition for that. Let's not forget that I got stuck in the buckets of rain that mother nature so kindly sent down upon us today. Yes, I had an umbrella, and I did take a cab to the interview from Port Authority...but after the interview..ohhh after. My umbrella and I walked around 5th Ave for half an hour trying to get a cab back to port authority. By the time I got in the freezing cab, I was soaked all the way through my suit, and the inside of my pumps were squishy. I was most definitely not a happy person.
I'm beginning to feel thoroughly frustrated with this job search, and I can't help but think...my graduating class was close to 2800 students...one university. Now think about that and pass that number through the rest of the tri-state area. MASSIVE! That's a lot of recent college graduates, and unfortunately this economy isn't doing much to help any of us. After a while, there's only so many times you can hear "the right job will come along, just keep looking" without wanting to curl up in a ball and try and figure out why after working so hard in college you're now laden with other peoples sympathy for you and your struggles in finding work. Plain and simple, it really sucks. I keep wondering when I'm going to catch a break. I feel I'm long overdue for one.
I think I'm gonna call it a night on this soapbox of struggles, and just sit back and enjoy the quiet time I've seemed to gather tonight. I don't know how I managed it, but my brother is at a movie and both of my parents are asleep. Between the candle, South's 'Paint The Silence' playing in the background, and all the pillows on my bed, I think I could pretty much enjoy the hour left of my Friday night. I hope you all do the same!
Until the next time =]
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