This is a heartfelt article about..... matters of the heart!
"It's difficult to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why every once in a while we need a really good pair to make the walk more fun!"- Sex and the City

Being an Italian at Christmas time means that the incredible amount of baking that happens in my house is through the roof; I'm talking insanity. We do everything from sugar cookies, to chocolate chips, and everything you can imagine.

You all know my addiction to truffles is a serious thing, and I try not to limit myself to what kinds of chocolate goodies I bake, so I figured...
I really couldn't resist making this my post for the week, because when I read it, I knew it was true in all aspects of it's title.

Monday, October 3, 2011

New & Exciting Things

Hey Bloggers! 

Stay tuned for new and exciting things coming from me; I'm going to be renovating the blog a bit; adding pages, links, all that cool stuff. I'm going to be focusing a lot on healthy ways of life, how I'm maintaining my current weight loss process and the recipe's I like to use when cooking at home for myself. I'll also be posting recipe's for protein bars, shakes, and cheat snacks for cookies and all of that fun stuff. I'll also include all of the nutritional information and values for said snacks. 

Also, today a very dear friend of mine, Bryan Fenkart, began a new journey as he left NYC to head to Memphis, TN to begin the Memphis The Musical National Tour. I know I've said it at least ten times today but I wish all the best for you Bryan! I don't know a person who deserves this incredible opportunity more than you do and I know that you'll do a fantastical job bringing laughter and smiles to the rest of the country! We're going to miss you in New York, but we know you're tearing it up across the country! Go get em 'Huey!' We're all behind you 100%! 

Until the next time kids, you can find me on twitter @GabbyMags and you can find Bryan on twitter @BryanFenkart (yes his twitter name has changed.) 

Happy Fall & Pumpkin Spice Latte's =]
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